Nurturing the Voices of Tomorrow, Supporting the Teachers Who Inspire Them

Conference Schedule At a Glance

Rutgers University Map

Welcome to the Eastern Region of the

National Association of Teachers of Singing!

We’re delighted to have you here and hope you find not only the information you’re seeking on this site but also a sense of belonging within our vibrant community.

As the largest region in NATS by membership, we deeply value every member. Our region spans Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Quebec, and West Virginia. Together, we are a dynamic group of voice teachers in academic and private studios, composers, collaborative pianists, performers, and vocal health experts. 

We are committed to providing meaningful opportunities for professional development, networking, and student growth through our annual conferences, auditions, and various programs. Whether you’re a new member or have been part of our community for years, we welcome, support, and celebrate you! If you’d like to learn more about our programming or explore ways to get more involved, please don’t hesitate to reach out to one of our officers.

We look forward to connecting with you and growing together as a community!

Rebecca Pieper
Eastern Region Governor

Join us for the 2025 NATS Eastern Region Auditions + Conference


Vocal Arts Scholarship

The Eastern Region Vocal Arts Scholarship plays a vital role in ensuring that talented vocal students have the resources they need to pursue their passion for music. By providing financial support for transportation and housing expenses, this scholarship helps students travel to key auditions and conferences that are essential for their growth and future in the music industry. Your generous donations directly contribute to empowering these young singers, allowing them to gain invaluable experience, expand their opportunities, and take the next step in their vocal music journey.

Student Spotlight

In 2024, the National Student Auditions premiered it’s first ever Children and Youth Category at the National Conference held in Knoxville, TN. Last year’s 1st place winner in the Children and Youth Musical Theatre category was Eastern Region student Addison Wynkoop of Bellefonte, Pa.

”I just love being on stage and performing, meeting new people and meeting new friends, and NATS gives me the opportunity to do that and so much more!’

Addison is a student of Kelly Scott of the Allegheny Mountain Chapter.



Join NATS ·

NATS offers a variety of lifelong learning experiences to its members, with workshops, Intern Programs, master classes and conferences, all beginning at the chapter level and progressing to national events.

By joining the National Association of Teachers of Singing, you become part of the largest organization of teachers of singing in the world, with around 7,000 members in more than 35 countries.

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